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Ms. Moorthy's paintings look like intricately woven mats. They are long, unframed canvases that acquire the tactile quality of thick woven threads as she squeezes mixed media paint into linear forms using handmade cones. In her words "I am inspired by the traditional Southeast Asian art of mehndi which is worn during a wedding and festive celebrations. I celebrate an idea with each of my paintings."
Chanchalam, 2015. 32 x 68 inches. Mixed media on linen | Elements Of Creation, 2015. 30 x 66 inches. Mixed media on canvas |
Waiting, 2016. 36 x 84 inches. Mixed media on canvas | In & Out I, 2016. 30 x 74 inches. Mixed media on canvas |
In & Out II, 2016. 30 x 74 inches. Mixed media on canvas | The Testament, 2013. 20 x 84 inches. Mixed media on canvas |
Quiver, 2015. 30 x 76 inches. Mixed media on canvas | Untitled. 32 x 68 inches. Mixed media on canvas |
Grabama, 2014. 32 x 68 inches. Mixed media on canvas | Wisdom, 2014. 30 x 120 inches. Mixed media on canvas |
Inner Peace, 2016. 30 x 68 inches. Mixed media on canvas | Untitled, 2015. 30 x 68 inches. Mixed media on canvas |
Ambitious Hope, 2014. 30 x 56 inches. Mixed media on canvas | Work Is Worship, 2015. 30 x 68 inches. Mixed media on canvas |
Untitled, 2013. 30 x 68 inches. Mixed media on canvas | Red Flower, 2016. 30 x 68 inches (each panel). Mixed media on canvas |
Untitled, 2014. 40 x 50 inches. Mixed media on canvas |
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